Time : 8:00am
Route : Biscayne Blvd South
Distance : 10km
Pace : 7:16 min/mile II 45:02
Shoes : Nike Vaporfly Next %
There's just something about that 10km distance that seems to suck the soul out of me. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME.
Today called for a 10km run test at best effort to gather some data for new training zones for the upcoming block towards the World Championship race in May.
The World Championship distance is a 10K run (6.2mi), 60K bike (38 mi), 10K run (6.2mi). Needless to say, I need to improve my 10K speed and efficiency.
The route I took was an out-and-back along Biscyane Blvd Southbound. After having ran about 6 miles off the bike at Las Olas at a 7:29 min/mi, I had a bit of a target as to how I could expect to run the 6.2 on semi-fresh today.

Today's run was uncomfortably hard, but I was pleased to have improved my time from my first 10km test in Dec of 2019.
It's incredible how much time and effort goes in to making improvements in run performance. 4 months for a 1:20 improvement.
Though 1:20 difference in time may not seem significant, running efficiency, form, and leg speed have greater influences on time with shorter distances (1 mi, 5k, 10k).
The goal for this upcoming training block is to develop my running efficiency and aerobic capacity at threshold. Over time, I would love to see a sub 42 min (<7 min/mi) 10KM but I know I have to be patient and trust the process.